Dues Increase

As voted on at our 2016 Biennial Convention, our dues will increase from 1.5% to 2% starting on the March 9th pay.

If you have any questions about the change, please contact your Area VP.

Arbitration Decision

Please see the Arbitration Decision regarding a grievance we filed in Store 14 Edmundston. As of right now the decision is available in French only as this was the language the grievance was argued.

Arbitration Decision click here/ici

2016 Q2 SIP Payout

The executive was just as surprised and disappointed with the latest payout as all members were. We must remember though, we are only 1.5 years into the 4 year deal and we have gained close to 6% between the SIP and our .5% fixed increase (2 fixed increases so far, next .5% increase due March 2017).

We have a few requests regarding the SIP and how the information is relayed to the members, also we have questions in regards to the drastic difference in the Net Income Variance from 2015 Q2 and 2016 Q2.

2015 Q2 Net Income Variance – $3.08 Million

2016 Q2 Net Income Variance – 180 Thousand

That is a loss of over 2.9 Million, in a year and summer that we sold over 1 million 15 packs of beer!!

We are in the process of setting a date for a meeting with the EMC of ANBL, hopefully in the first 2 weeks of December.


Check back later for updates on this

2016 Election Results

Here are the results from elections held at our 2016 Biennial Convention.

Jamie Agnew – President

Andrew Woodcock – Secretary Treasurer

Lisa Vincent – Recording Secretary

Ray Thibodeau – First Vice President

Matt Sawyer – 6yr Trustee

Justin Edgar – Membership Officer


Health and Safety Committee

Claudette Trewin

Phil Drisdelle

Liette Godin

Luc Ouellet

Denis Melanson

Lorne McLaughlin

2016 Biennial Agenda

Here is the Agenda for the upcoming Biennial Convention October 30, 2016

Registration Starts at 9am

Convention Starts at 10am

In an effort to keep costs down at convention‎, your Executive strongly suggests that you carpool to the convention. Bring a coworker, bring a member from another location. The Executive of CUPE 963 is excited to see you all there.
Afin de minimiser les frais pour ce congrès, votre Exécutif recommande que vous fassiez du covoiturage autant que possible.  Amenez un collègues, un membre d’un autre endroit.  L’Exécutif du SCFP 963 compte sur le plaisir de vour voir au congrès
